Sunday, 14 November 2010

Day 19 – Koyasan

Today we took the absolutely amazing scenic train trip through the mountains to a place called Koyasan where there is a massive cemetery high in the mountains. We got a day pass which allowed us to take the train there and back, a trip on the cable car up and down a really steep part of the mountain and unlimited bus trips around the reserve. We spent most of the day walking through the cemetery, then we visited the Tokugawa Mausolea and then walked back down the mountain until we got to a restaurant where we had dinner.
That night we decided that seeing as it was our last Friday night in Japan we should go out and celebrate, so David W, Leigh and I went to the old faithful English theme pub, The Hub and then wandered around Osaka for a while, then headed back home after being threatened with either being stabbed or shot by a decidedly non-scary Japanese gangster type.

 Welcome to the Black Mesa Research Facility

 This train is inbound...

 Some of the buddha's ashes are in there

 A headstone for an astronaut

1 comment:

mothermapes said...

I want a rocket on my tombstone!